Creating a horse-themed kids room

There are some kids that absolutely love horses. They want to take riding lessons and have images of horses on everything that they own. This means that you should definitely consider a horse theme when it comes to redecorating their room.

Don’t overdo it

There is a danger that you could overdo it if you try to get everything in the room horse themed. There are some things that you can keep fairly plain – remember, kids do change their tastes from time to time and you want to make it easy to change the decor if they do. For this reason it is probably not a great idea to go with horse-themed wallpaper – it is just too time consuming to change it.

A great compromise is to consider horse posters instead. Posters can be put on the walls directly or inserted into frames. These are easy to change if the child in question finds a new interest. It should also be remembered that Posters are not expensive. The posters can be of horse paintings or photographs – either of these will look really good, particularly if you opt for a neutral background on the walls.

Simple horse-themed additions

A horsey duvet and pillow case will be a good idea. These are usually very popular with younger children and again, they are easily changed if they suddenly develop an interest in cycling instead. The same applies to curtains or a roller blind. As with the posters, these things can be purchased relatively cheaply, so you don’t have to break the bank.

You can also add in items such as ornaments, books (there are plenty of children’s and young adult book series with a horse theme) and even some horse themed stationery. As with the other items these can be easily swapped out if needed. This is the sort of thing that makes a great birthday or Christmas present.

It is a good idea to get the views of the child in question when deciding what to put in the room. They might have seen some things that they want included and it will help you in deciding just how far the horse theme should go. And remember to keep talking to them – you never know when the interest in horses will disappear so keeping an eye on any change in their interests will help you to keep one step ahead.

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